Natasha Njeri
3 min readMay 29, 2021


In today’s technological advancements, businesses are trying to look for opportunities that can build their brand, improve customer relations and find new revenue generation streams. Most businesses are on digital wheels like mobile apps and websites with the common challenge to secure customer attentions like never before. User experience plays a vital role in all this. However most people don’t really understand what UX is and how it can be useful in businesses.

What is User Experience design?

User experience refers to how a user interacts with and experiences a product, system or service. UX focuses on wire framing an application and structuring all its components and elements appropriately to create the user flow.

User experience design on the other hand can be defined as the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. It embraces the theories of a number of disciplines such as usability accessibility, information architecture and human Computer Interaction.

How does UX design impact businesses?

The primary goal of any business is to increase the sales and growth of the business. With users having a variety of products or services to choose from, the span of time you get to grab their attention is quite less. As a business person you need to act smart. The following points are how UX impacts businesses.
Increases brand loyalty

When customers keep on getting satisfied by a service or a product, they become loyal to the brand. When you work on to offer the best UX you increase the chance of having happy customers. They tend to buy goods from the same brand repeatedly rather than from competing brands. Improving the business brand means increased sales.

Increases revenue generation.

Although many websites are selling the same products, customers tend to choose those with easy and effective user experience. Increase in number of visitors on a site results to increase in company revenue.

Customer Satisfaction

You always need to know what your audience want before creating user experience for your application or website. Better UX design means you will be able to keep your users engaged or long. If users are satisfied with experiences they will use the services you have to offer. This will reflect in terms of better ROI for your business.

Cost effective

Investing on a good UX design can be quite expensive at the beginning but it saves on the cost in the long run. It will reduce recurring issues and even minimize them to a greater level. This way you will not have to go through frequent updates saving you a lot of money.

Increases traffic

If your app or website has better UX, then the business traffic, will improve. You will be able to retain customers and even acquire new ones. There is a lot of competition in the market and you need a good design to help you build a strong base for yourself in the market.

Natasha Njeri
Natasha Njeri

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